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              Introduction of SCAA

                  香港華人會計師公會創於 1913 年,至今有一百                     SCAA is an incorporated body of professional
              零五年的歷史,為本港專業會計團體。本會普通會員                          accountants in Hong Kong established since 1913.
                                                               SCAA aims to provide a professional development
                                                               channel for all practising accountants and cater
              中小企會計師事務所之代表 , 來自國際會計師事務所
                                                               to the care and needs of the community in Hong
                                                               Kong. To maintain high standards of professional
                                                               conduct, SCAA fosters communication among its
              的溝通,探討同業在工作上遇到的問題及尋求解決方                          members, assisting them to advance the theory
              法,從而保持和提高會計師的執業水平。本會希望                           and practice of accountancy. SCAA also initiates

              能運用過往的經驗以及專業擔當全球會計師之間的橋                          discussions of hot issues in the accounting industry
              樑,為業界服務,與時並進。                                    and  is  committed  to  look  for  suggestions  and
                                                               solutions for our fellow accountants.

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