About the Survey

About the Survey

A large-scale survey is conducting on “Hong Kong Accountancy Profession’s Opportunities and Challenges in the Belt Road Initiative” by SCAA in collaboration with the the Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong at City University of Hong Kong (CSHK). The survey aims to identify the role and functions of the Hong Kong accountancy profession under Belt Road Initiative and the risks they may encounter in exploring such opportunities.


With renowned reputation of professionalism and a key financial hub in the region and our inseparable bonding with the PRC, Hong Kong is best-positioned to assume the role as the “super-connector” in the Belt Road Initiative. In the course of development, it is foreseeable that accountants will be heavily involved  in a multitude of occasions. It is therefore pertinent that Hong Kong accountants have a holistic understanding of emerging opportunities and potentials and take positive actions to enhance trust and encourage collaboration among Hong Kong and Chinese accountants around the globe in order to reap the economic benefits from the operation of this international platform and partnership in the longer term.


The survey results will certainly provide useful guidance for accountants, in particular Chinese accountants to unfold opportunities and prepare for challenges as the Belt Road Initiative progresses. 

